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Inevitably my conversations with people turn to coffee at some point. Usually its my fault when people ask me what I’m interested in, or I ask them what coffee shops they like. But regardless, this exercise always produces interesting market research for me about the general coffee consumer. The thing that always surprises me, is how many people consider themselves a coffee aficionado. Usually, I’ll say that I’m a coffee guy, and they will respond with the fact that they are too. Then I start talking about some geeky coffee thing, and they’ll say, “Oh, you’re REALLY a coffee guy.”

They are surprised that there are people out there that obsess over the fine points of extraction, or pressure profiling or processes at origin. The important point is that before I started boring them with obscure coffee debates, they considered themselves an expert.

So imagine this “expert” who has been drinking Starbucks for the last ten years and maybe graduated to Peets or the Coffee Bean in the last couple years walks into a third wave shop. What they see is different, names of farms and promises of blueberry and bergamot. This moment creates discomfort in many people. This is the golden moment for a customer service focused barista to build a bridge from discomfort to a positive different coffee experience.

Notice I said different and not better. When the barista asks the expert what he wants, he may just say I want a regular cup of coffee because he is uncomfortable making choice among currant, winey or kumquat. A great response would be to ask the customer what he is used to drinking and then explain how this may be a different experience. Again, different not better. Offer the coffee on the menu that still has some of the chocolate and caramel notes that can serve as a gateway and a relationship is formed.

Far too often standing in line at a third wave shop I have witnessed a smirk instead of a smile during this type of interaction. A smirk to an “expert” is a slap in the face, and who really are we to tell someone who has been drinking coffee for 20 years that they are wrong when a cup of coffee is such a subjective experience? All we can do is offer something new, and make it remarkable enough that the expert feels empowered instead of embarrassed. They might even come back to check out the bergamot.

14 Jan 2012

Marketing the Third Wave – Everybody is an Expert

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized


I’m an MBA student in Milan, Italy, and for most students sitting in class around me, they apply what they are hearing and learning to their old jobs at banks, consulting firms and top industry firms. I, on the other hand, tend to apply what I’m learning to the Third Wave/Specialty/Super Premium or anything else you want to call this coffee movement. Sometimes they are things that just reconfirm thoughts I’ve had but at other times I’ve found completely new insights.

Over the next few weeks, I hope to share a few of the things I’m thinking about in order to help me cement some thoughts.

#1 Southwest Airlines

In business school we read and discuss a ton of cases that give us the background and situations of companies, and then ask us questions on how to solve the problems they face. In two classes we have looked at Southwest Airlines. The amazing thing about Southwest is that during all of the financial turmoil of the last few years, they have remained profitable and even thrived when most other airlines were filing for bankruptcy. Everyone seems to have their own opinion on how they’ve achieved this. To me it is very clear. They provide a valuable service for cheap, with personality. They don’t just provide a low price flight, or make flying fun, or give great customer service, or almost never lose your bags. They do ALL of these things. At the end of the day, they realize that they need to excel at every customer touchpoint.

To me this is a lesson that needs to be learned in the Third Wave coffee movement. It is not enough to have the best coffee in town. There has to be great customer service and the experience needs to be unique. There will be a segment of people who find the Third Wave coffee product superior, but if the other elements of the experience aren’t great, there will be only a very small niche of people willing to take the hassle to get it. In order to grow and become fad-proof all elements of the coffee touch points must be remarkable.

Are you making the best coffee in your city? Great, now it’s time to ask if you are providing the best customer service.

13 Jan 2012

Marketing the Third Wave Pt. 1

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

I will be serving a beautifully clean and sweet coffee from Costa Rica. The farm is Beneficio Los Angeles and it exhibits notes of blackberry and banana. Upon your first sip it makes your mouth water as if you just put a hard candy in your mouth. It is wonderful stuff. Come by tomorrow!


Monday – 7:45 – 8:45

Wednesday – CLOSED

Friday – CLOSED


476 Cornish Lane, Kitchen Window

14 Aug 2011

Incognito Week of 8-15

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

Over the weekend our family made our 4th annual Angwin blackberry pie. Every year around this same weekend we notice that the blackberries are ripe and begging to be picked. We debate where they are going to be sweetest and then take an afternoon to hunt out the prime blackberry spot. This year I was literally pulling off hand-fulls of the ripest, sweetest blackberries I have ever found. Some where hidden in fennel and others close by in beautifully fragrant lavender bushes. These are the memories that will always last for me in Angwin.

This week I will be presenting a special that tries to capture this magical Angwin summer afternoon. A shot of espresso poured into a cappuccino cup. Then a blackberry, lavender and fennel cream will be steamed into a separate glass. The components will be tasted separately and then combined to give the full experience. I am calling this drink A Love Letter to Angwin. The espresso is Coava’s Ibonia Kenya. It has lovely notes of blackberry, molasses and currant. A perfect coffee to pair with the bounty of an Angwin summer.

Barista Special

A Love Letter to Angwin – $2.50


Monday – CLOSED

Wednesday – 7:45 – 8:45

Friday – 7:45 – 8:45 – (Special will be served only if supplies last)


476 Cornish Lane, Kitchen Window

7 Aug 2011

Incognito Week of 8-8

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

This week I will be serving up Ritual’s new blend – Hidden Cities. It is beautifully sweet and lively. I am hoping that I will have a new drink ready for Friday. It has been rolling around in my head, but I haven’t quite put it together yet. I do promise that I will have a special on Friday whether it be a new one or an old favorite.

ALSO, I wanted you all to see a project that one of our friends, Loni Johnston completed during three morning of Incognito. I asked her to come and document the coffee kitchen window. It turned out better than I ever would have imagined. I think she did an amazing job at capturing the essence of what Incogntio has been for me: serving people and forming a community around a shared interest. I want to send a big thank you to Loni for capturing this era in my life. All of you have been a wonderful gift. Check out Loni’s pictures here:

Barista Special



Monday – 7:45 – 8:45

Wednesday – CLOSED

Friday – 7:45 – 8:45


476 Cornish Lane, Kitchen Window

31 Jul 2011

Incognito Week of 8-1

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

Another summer week ahead, and the coffee supply is running strong in my kitchen. What is not running strong is my supply of 12 oz. cups that I usually use for all of my drinks. I am out of 12 oz. takeaway cups, so if you would like a drink to go, you will have to settle for an 8 oz. cup with no lid! I am very sorry! I will also offer porcelain for anyone who has time to drink it at the window.

I will be serving up the Ethiopian Kilenso from Counter Culture this week as espresso. I may also have another surprise special on Friday depending on how much time I get in the tasting lab. Swing on by.


Monday – 7:45 – 8:45

Wednesday – CLOSED

Friday – 7:45 – 8:45


476 Cornish Lane, Kitchen Window

24 Jul 2011

Incognito Week of 7-25

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

My supply of coffee is always dictating when I can be open. It looks like this week will bring a boon of coffee, after expecting coffee last week that never came. So tomorrow you will have the opportunity to taste the first offering from a new coffee roaster: Tonx Coffee. It was started by a long time coffee friend of mine who has always promised that he would start something someday. This last week was his someday. His idea is great, find a great coffee, let people know about it and then roast it all to send to the people who want it. His first offering is from a farm in El Salvador called Finca Monterey. It is stunningly sweet and clean. One of the sweetest espressos of my year. Come by tomorrow to give it a try. On friday I hopefully will have two coffees from Ethiopia to share with you. The espresso will be a wet process, lemony and tart notes. I will also offer a french press of a natural Ethiopian, berry and melon notes. Come on by!


Monday – 7:45 – 8:45

Wednesday – CLOSED

Friday – 7:45 – 8:45


476 Cornish Lane, Kitchen Window

17 Jul 2011

Incognito Week of 7-18

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

I apologize for the lack of an email last week. Things have been very busy! This week I have ordered a couple different coffees from Ethiopia, roasted by Counter Culture Coffee in North Carolina. One is light and bright, perfect for a summer morning coffee, the other is full of fruit and chocolate. I hope to serve these on Friday, providing that they arrive on my doorstep in time. If not, I will have a substitute from the Bay area to share with you. Looking forward to seeing you!


Monday – CLOSED

Wednesday – CLOSED

Friday – 7:45 – 8:45


476 Cornish Lane, Kitchen Window

11 Jul 2011

Incognito Week of 7-11

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

I will be closed this week due to coffee supply and travel. Looking forward to seeing you all next week.



26 Jun 2011

Incognito Week of 7-26

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

I apologize for the late email this week, I was in Canada and could not get to a computer with internet yesterday. (I do realize that this brings up multiple Canada jokes for some of you, keep them to yourself, my wife is Canadian. On second thought, if you have a really good one, email it to me.)

This week I am bring back my favorite coffee of the year so far, the Kilenso espresso from Coava Coffee in Portland. Beautiful notes of berry and melon abound in this gem from Ethiopia. Beautiful as a single shot, heartbreaking as a cappuccino. This is as good as it gets for me in coffee. A fleeting moment in time with a great natural processed coffee should not be missed!

Barista Special

Kilenso espresso – (add $1.00 to all drinks!)


Monday – CLOSED

Wednesday – CLOSED

Friday – 7:45 – 8:45



20 Jun 2011

Incognito Week of 6-20

Author: IncognitoScott | Filed under: Uncategorized